How To Pray, Part 1 | Clothing, Location And Posture

We’re living and working in Indonesia, a nation that puts great emphasis on prayer. We are reminded of it six times a day when we hear the “call to prayer” sounded from loud speakers all around the city. In this country how, when and where one prays is important.

Prayer on Knees

In American “church” culture we can see some interesting traditions as well. Some groups pray to crucifixes, statues of Mary or other saints and kneel for certain prayers. Others seem to think praying in a ‘church’ building is more special than other places.

The Bible says that, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:16-17). Prayer is definitely a good work, so lets see what the Bible has to say about it.

Obviously, this will not be a complete list, it is a blog post not a doctoral dissertation, so please add your comments in the comment section.

Proper clothing for prayer. We can observe some religious groups prescribing certain clothes for men and/or women to wear when they come to God in prayer. But, in the Bible we see people wearing a variety of clothing types when praying.

  • Dirty bloody clothing and chains (Acts 16:25)
  • Work clothes (Neh 2:4-5)
  • Sweaty military clothing (1 Chr 5:20)
  • Probably everyday clothes (Luke 6:12-13)

For a thorough study of the head covering see Kevin Moore’s five part series titled Female Head-coverings in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16.

While there is no prescribed special clothing that we must wear in prayer there are, of course, other principles found in Scripture that would govern the clothing we wear in prayer. For example, the principle of modesty should tell us that we should dress appropriate for the location we are at.

Location for prayer. For some groups a certain location and/or direction is important when praying. However, when we look at the Bible we see just about any location conceivable being used as a place of prayer. We see people praying in the following locations just to name a few.

  • Outside in a garden (Mat 26:36)
  • On the beach (Acts 21:5)
  • In a house (Acts 12:12)
  • On the battlefield (1 Chr 5:20)
  • At work (Neh 2:4-5)
  • In jail (Acts 16:25)

If we are to pray without ceasing (1 Thess 5:17) then any place we find ourselves is an appropriate place to pray.

Body posture in prayer. For some groups body position is very important. They even have prescribed postures at certain points of their prayers. Others may seem to think that raising their hands is more spiritual than other body positions. In the Bible we see the following body positions used in prayer.

  • Standing (1 Sam 1:26; Matt 6:5; Mark 11:25; Luke 18:11,13)
  • Standing bowing the head, while striking the breast (Luke 18:13)
  • Hands spread out and/or lifted heavenward (1 Kings 8:22-23; Neh 8:6)
  • Bowing the head (Neh 8:6)
  • Bowing the head, with face between the knees (1 Kings 18:42)
  • Lifting eyes heavenward (John 11:41; 17:1)
  • Kneeling (Dan 6:10; Luke 22:41; Acts 9:40, 20:36, 21:5; Eph 3:14)
  • Face on ground (Matt 26:39; Mark 14:35)

Hendriksen and Kistemaker have done an interesting job of interpreting the significance of some of the various body positions found in the Bible. Get their commentary here.

Brother Kevin Moore also has an excellent article on the subject of raising hands. Read it here.

When we read the Bible and use it as our only guide, it becomes clear that there is no prescribed special clothing, location, or posture that a New Testament Christian must follow when praying.

If you found this post helpful please spread the love by sharing it!

Question: What other examples from Scripture would you include for clothing, location and posture in prayer? Leave a comment by clicking here.

4 Ways God Answers Prayers


As we were preparing to come to Indonesia there were many different steps we had to take to get here. For example, we had to get our visas, find a sponsoring congregation and raise the support, to name a few. As each step was accomplished it seemed like someone would say that it was an answer to prayer. It was… but what if we didn’t raise the support or get our visas, would that still be an answer to prayer?

Oftentimes it seems that if we don’t get what we request from God there is no praise given to Him. It is as if we think He either didn’t hear us or didn’t answer us. However, just because we don’t receive what we ask for when we ask for it, that doesn’t mean that God did not answer our prayers. This is because there are at least four ways God answers prayers.

1. Sometimes God says, “Yes.” This is most likely to happen when we put His kingdom and His righteousness first in our lives (Matt 6:33; cf. Pro 3:5-10), make our request according to His will (1 John 5:14) and live our lives according to the Bible (1 John 3:22; Isa 59:1-2).

Lets look at Paul as an example. While he was in custody in Rome he wrote and asked the Christians in Colossae to pray for opportunities to preach (Col 4:3) and the the Ephesians to pray for boldness (Eph 6:18-20).

Paul then stayed two years in custody in Rome preaching and teaching boldly (Acts 28:30-31) with the result that even people in Caesar’s household were converted (Phil 4:22).

That is an amazing “yes” answer to prayer. But look at Paul’s life. He definitely put the kingdom and God’s righteousness first, asked according to God’s will and lived the best he could according to the Scriptures.

2. Sometimes God says, “Yes, but wait.” A great example of this is found in John 11. There we find that Lazarus was very sick so his sisters sent for Jesus, assuming that He would heal him (John 11:1-3, 21, 32). However, Jesus didn’t come right away, instead He waited for Lazarus to die (John 11:4-16). The sisters did not know what Jesus was planning and had basically thought He had said “no” to their request (John 11:17-37). But, Jesus actually said, “Yes, but wait” (John 11:38-44). He did more than just heal Lazarus, He raised him from the dead.

Why did Jesus say, “Yes, but wait”? Because it was better for Him and His plan to save mankind (John 11:15, 41-42).

When you think God may be saying, “Yes, but wait” make sure that you are putting Him first in your life (Matt 6:33), asking according to His will (1 John 5:14) and keeping His commandments (1 John 3:22). Also remember that there may be a very good reason He is having you wait. Be patient.

3. Sometimes God says, “Yes, but not as you expect.” Take Paul as an example again. Paul planned to go and preach in Rome (Rom 1:15; 15:24-26; Acts 19:21). We know Paul was a man of prayer (Eph 6:18; Col 4:2; 1 Thes 5:17). Yet his plans to go to Rome didn’t turn out just like he had planned. Rather than dropping off the collection and heading for Rome he was arrested and spent two years in jail before he was transported to Rome as a prisoner, suffering shipwreck and a viper bite along the way (Acts 21:27-28:31).

Sometimes God answers our request differently than we may anticipate. For example, if we ask God for strength and perseverance He may give us trials to bear like He did the Philippians (Phil 1:29-30). Trials which in turn will develop the virtues we prayed for (Rom 5:3-4, James 1:2-3).

4. Sometimes God says, “No.” One last time we turn to Paul as an example. He had asked God three times to take away his thorn in the flesh (2 Cor 12:8). Obviously, God said, “No” (2 Cor 12:9). But, like when God says “wait” there was a good reason. In Paul’s case, God said “No” because that was what was best for Paul and for God’s plan (2 Cor 12:7, 9).

So, when we don’t get what we ask for from God what should we do? Make sure we are right with Him (Matt 6:33; 1 John 5:14; 1 John 3:22; Isa 59:1-2), knowing that He wants what is best for us and that all will work together for our good (Rom 8:28).

Question: How has God has answered one of your prayers in an unexpected way? You may leave a comment by clicking here.


The Discipleship Wheel

In the Great Commission Jesus told His disciples that all authority had been given to Him in Heaven and on Earth. Therefore, they were to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that Jesus had commanded them (Matt 28:18-20). This command has direct application to us today because we are at the end of a long line of people who have been taught the Gospel and taught to obey all that Jesus commands.

To help us initially make disciples we have tools like the Personal Bible Study Series that can help equip us for this task. However, once we have baptized someone how do we go about teaching them to observe all that Jesus commanded?

As we strive to answer that question it would help to have an organized way to lay a strong foundation of teaching and action (John 14:15; Tit 2:14). These series of posts on Practical Discipleship are designed to help you lay that foundation. The lessons are based around an old yet effective illustration, The Discipleship Wheel.

The Discipleship Wheel

In this post I just want to introduce you to the idea of The Discipleship Wheel. In later posts I will elaborate on each of the components and provide lessons that you can download to use personally or with a new disciple of Christ.

When looking at a wheel it is pretty clear that in order for it to function properly it must have at least 3 parts; a hub, spokes and a tire. Similarly, there are certain things that a disciple of Christ must have in his life.

Let me show you.

The Hub: The Lord (Phil 2:9-11)
The hub of a wheel delivers power and direction to the tire. It tells the tire when to go forward, when to go backwards and when to turn right or left. Without the hub the tire would be useless. In fact, the spokes and the tire exist to serve the purpose of the hub.

The Lord is the hub of the Christian’s life. He is the one that gives him direction in his life and the power to live accordingly. In fact, Christians and the church exist to serve the purposes of Christ, their Lord.

For a Christian to function properly he or she must follow their Lord and allow Him to empower them through the spokes.

The Tire: The Obedient Christian in Action (John 14:15; 15:8;
Titus 2:14; 3:1,8,14)

The purpose of the tire is to fulfill the commands of the hub. When the hub says go forward the tire obeys and carries the hub (and the rest of the vehicle) forward. While it is the hub that gives direction and power, it is the tire that actually makes contact with the road. If the tire is bad the hub’s commands may not be followed well.

For example, the hub may be delivering all the power and direction a tire needs but if the tire is bald and the road is icy the tire may not perform very well. A properly maintained tire always performs the best.

In this illustration the Christian is the tire. Christians are the ones that make contact with the world. When the Bible tells us that Jesus wants the widows and orphans taken care of it gives us the direction that we need. When God provides us with jobs to earn a living and homes to live in He has provided us with the resources we need to fulfill His command. It is the same with evangelism. The Lord gives us the command (Matt 28:18-20), the power of human communication and we make contact with the world, telling them about Jesus. It is really that simple. It may not be easy, but it is that simple.

The Spokes
In order for the tire to receive direction and power from the hub it must be attached to it in some way. In our illustration it is by four spokes.

  • The Word
  • Prayer
  • Fellowship
  • Evangelism

The two vertical spokes, The Word and Prayer, have to do with our vertical relationship with God. The two horizontal spokes, Fellowship and Evangelism, have to do with our horizontal relationships with each other and the world.

These four spokes make up four fundamental areas of a disciples life.

It is my conviction that the sooner we can train young Christians in these areas the more fruitful their lives will be.

Spoke 1: The Word (John 8:31; 1 Tim 3:16-17)
The Word is a fundamental aspect of a disciples life because it is God’s communication to him. The Word gives us the commands we must follow. It can also embolden us and empower us to act as we should.

Paul wrote, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:16-17). Without knowing the Scriptures we can’t know what God wants us to do nor be equipped to do it.

The Word of God gives us power and direction.

Spoke 2: Prayer (Phil 4:6-7)
If the Bible is God’s communication to us, prayer is our communication to Him.

When the rubber meets the road and we are having a hard time obeying our Lord, we can talk to Him about it.

Let me illustrate. What happens to a tire that is over loaded? It has poor handling, right? It has slow responsiveness, poor breaking, poor acceleration, low gas millage and the tire could blowout.

What happens to our spiritual life and our activity for the Lord when we are over loaded with the cares of the world? We too have poor handling; we are slow to respond to the Word, slow to turn from sin, have low endurance and are in danger of burn out.

One of the blessings of prayer is that it allows us to unload our burdens on the Lord so we can perform better for Him. If we can give our burdens to Jesus we will be more likely to joyfully perform better for Him, “when the rubber meets the road.”

Spoke 3: Fellowship with Other Christians (John 13:34-35)
Fellowship is a fundamental aspect of being a disciple because God created us to need community. We need the encouragement, advice and building up by our brethren we receive when we fellowship with them (1 Thes 5:11, Heb 3:13; 10:24,25).

Christian fellowship also provides us with many opportunities to serve one another and in effect serve Jesus Himself (Matt 25:40).

Fellowship helps strengthen us to lovingly and obediently obey our Lord, “when the rubber meets the road.”

Spoke 4: Evangelism (Matt 28:19-20)
Evangelism is a fundamental part of being a disciple because we are to become like our Teacher (Luke 6:40), who came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10) and told His disciples the do the same thing (Matt 28:18-20). If we are Christ like we are disciple makers.

There is also a very pragmatic reason that evangelism is a fundamental aspect of being a disciple. Without evangelism the whole enterprise stops. We must make new disciples to replace ourselves at a bare minimum. But, Jesus doesn’t just want us to replace ourselves He wants us to multiply ourselves.