Grojogan Sewu Waterfall – Tips Before You Go This is a beautiful little waterfall situated on the slope of Mount Lawu. It’s posted that there are 1,250 stairs. I did not count them, but that seems reasonable. There are handrails going up and down so anyone in fairly good shape shouldn’t have a problem. It is not handicap accessible though.
5 Tips Before You Go – Grojogan Sewu Waterfall
#1. Arrive Early
Beat the heat and the crowds. We arrived around 9AM and it was perfect. By the time we were heading back up the stairs it was starting to get hot and lots more people were showing up.
#2. Don’t Carry A Lot Of Stuff
For one, you don’t need to carry much because it is such a short hike and two, there are a lot of monkeys! You don’t want to have the misfortune of having your stuff taken from you.
#3. Bring Money
I guess this doesn’t need to be stated, but you should know the cost of entering the park for a tourist is much higher than the cost for a local. RP 160,000 for foreigner and RP 17,500 for local.
#4. Bring a Change of Clothes
If you plan to get wet you will want to bring extra clothes. There is also a swimming pool and a kid sized swimming pool if you choose to use it. Both pools require an additional fee.
#5. Shop and Eat
There are many small souvenir shops right before you enter the ticket area. You can buy your souvenirs there or at the larger shop closer to the main road. There are many small eating stalls as well for you to choose from. They sell food like nasi goreng (fried rice) and nasi pecel (white rice with vegetables and peanut sauce).
Watch our video to get a better picture of what to expect when you visit Grojogan Sewu Waterfall.