Getting prepared to move to a foreign country can be fun and exciting for the whole family! Preparing ahead of time can save you lots of frustration when you finally reach your destination.
Here are 5 Tips to help you be physically prepared to step foot in your new home.
- Sell Your Stuff. We all have extra things laying around our houses. Get rid of it. Sell it or give it away. Especially if you will be away from America for any length of time. Things will age, go out of style, or just collect dust. Better to go light and not worry about what is sitting in storage back home.
- Get in Shape. Having your body in good physical condition will help you cope with the culture shock you will face. You body will adjust more quickly to the physical stresses if you don’t have a lot of extra weight to carry around. In most other countries people do a lot more walking than we do here in the US. Being in shape will help you not be as fatigued as you begin adjusting to your new life.
- Try New Foods. Be brave and give your taste buds an adventure. In your new home overseas you will be presented with food you have never seen before. It is extremely polite and gracious of you to eat the food and not turn your nose up at it. Before you leave for your new home get out of your comfort zone and visit a Thai restaurant. Indian cuisine? How about sushi? It doesn’t have to be food that you think you will encounter on your mission field. Just prepare yourself to eat whatever is set before you.
- Turn off the A/C. Get your body used to being uncomfortable for a time. If you are going someplace hot and humid, it is wise to enjoy the heat! Many places around the world don’t use air conditioning as much as we do.
- Toss the Appliances. Get rid of your microwave. Hang your clothes on a clothesline. Being able to do things the long way may be an advantage to you in your foreign field. You might have to do without many modern conveniences in your new life. Learn to like cold showers. In many countries they don’t use warm water to bathe with.
Moving to a foreign country can be fun for the whole family. Hopefully by following these 5 simple tips you will feel more prepared as you begin your new adventure overseas.
Question: What things have you done to prepare yourself physically when going overseas? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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Your advice makes perfect sense having visited with the four of you during lunch last Sunday. God bless you all……..
I agree, It does make perfect sense to do all of those things. I am really new to this blog so maybe you have answered this somewhere else, but what is the hardest part about being a missionary overseas (besides the language barrier)? I am a senior is high school and I want to be a missionary overseas, I was just wondering what your advice would be. I will be praying for you guys, God bless! =)
Hi, it’s nice that I found your blog here. I’m Indonesian from east Java but now live in Germany for my study. I kind of curious about what do you do in Indonesia. Do you actually work there? What kind of visa do you have? Do you find it difficult to apply for the visa? Please, write or make a video more about this kind of stuff! Because I knew the struggle of applying all of immigration things (I don’t the word that stand for it). :D
Thank you.