Bathing with hot water is for babies!

Hot or ColdWhile bathing with hot water is a common and preferred way of bathing in America it is viewed here in Indonesia as the way the sick, babies or elderly bathe. So, if you come to visit us you most likely will experience the traditional Indonesian way of bathing. We use a large tub of water called a “bak”, with a dipper called a “gayung”.

After sharing with one of my language teachers how the cold water takes Seth’s breath away every time he pours the water over his head, she gave me some tips on how to properly bathe without shocking your system!

Step 1: Splash your face.

Step 2: Splash your legs.

Step 3: Splash your back.

Step 4: Now you are ready for a full bath!

Apparently going through this process helps your body get used to the water before covering your whole body in it. Of course, if you’re already hot from Indonesias humidity and heat, having a cold shock to your body feels great!

Question: Which way would you choose to bathe? Take the time to complete all 4 steps or skip the steps and pour it over your head right away? Please leave your comment by clicking here


5 Replies to “Bathing with hot water is for babies!”

  1. Hi Julie. I’m an Indonesian. Been living in Australia for two years. I don’t think I can go back to the tradisional way of bathing as I use to have warm shower everyday now. LOL. Great tips though.

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