Business Woman Puts Family First

Mom and KidsOnce upon a time there was a young, married, successful business woman, earning a terrific salary, driving a company car and living in a nice home with servants to care for the housework and children. Behind the scenes though, she was a slave to her boss. She was more submissive to him than to her husband, because after all he could fire her! Her children were more affectionate to their nanny than to her. She was unhappy, her husband was unhappy and their family was hurting.

One day she read in God’s Word, “Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord” (Colossians 3:18). She asked herself, “Have I been being submissive to my husband or to my boss?” God’s Word also says to teach your children when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise (Deuteronomy 6:6-10). How could she teach her children throughout the day when they are left in the care of a nanny and she is out in the world working?

Something needed to change. She made the decision to quit her well-paid job and win back the hearts of her family. She decided to follow God’s plan. Her boss was dumbfounded. Why would she want to “sacrifice” her salary and company car? Her response to him was that it was not a sacrifice but an investment. She was investing in the hearts of her husband and children.

This is a true story of a real woman I met recently here in Indonesia. When she told me her story and the change she made after reading God’s Word I asked her permission to share her story with you. I am so encouraged by her example of being a doer of the Word and not a hearer only (James 1:23-25). Her husband is happy, she is happy and the hearts of her children rest in her hands. God’s way is always the best way!

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Question: What changes in your life have you made after reading God’s Word? You can leave a comment by clicking here

4 Replies to “Business Woman Puts Family First”

  1. What about if the working woman has a bigger salary compare with her husband and the whole family depend on her (source of income)

    1. Hi Keke, Thank you for your comment. My friend who I describe in this post did have the primary salary for their family. Making the decision to stay home, they knew they may experience financial difficulties. She described to me later how God continued to bless them when they thought they were going to be in need.

  2. Hi Julie, I came here after reading this on Facebook. It’s an inspiring story indeed. Would you mind if I share this anecdote on my 101anecdotes website? I will categorise it under ‘real life’ and list you as the writer and provide a link back to this website.

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